Cristina Archetti: Breaking the Silence Around Involuntary Childlessness

Cristina Archetti is Professor in Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Oslo (Norway), a psychotherapist and an infertility survivor. Years ago, just when she thought her life was perfect, she was diagnosed with ‘unexplained infertility.’ She embarked on IVF (in vitro fertilization) without realizing how invasive and demeaning it would be, both physically and psychologically. When it failed, she was devastated: she had never been the little girl who wanted to be a mum as a grown up. Yet she did not know any more who—or what—she was.

Cristina will share her journey through the grief and trauma of infertility, as well as her activism to raise awareness of involuntary childlessness, i.e. not having children not by choice. She will talk, among the rest, about Childlessness in the age of communication: Deconstructing silence (Routledge 2020) (download the e-book here), a book where she combines intimate reflections about the existential questions posed by involuntary childlessness with research on how and why infertility is the last taboo of the 21st century.

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